Tuesday, January 5, 2021

What is Web Development & Future of Web Design Industry?

There are lots of explanations of the term web development depending on which company you are in. In a broad sense, it represents any activity related to developing a website for the Internet, World Wide Web, or intranet. Generally, you can say that it admit any role involved in developing applications that communicate over certain types of networks and which can be accessed by some customer devices. A web browser, mobile device browser, etc. This task involves website development, content management, client-server communication, hardware and software constellation, and database management.

However, among professionals, the term is mostly taken to mean non-design feature of work. Writing codes that drama the site and any scripting and work that can ability enterprise-level applications and services. When designing a web setup for large businesses and organizations. So the web development team can consist of hundreds of people and it is usually a collaborative effort between departments rather than the domain of the designated department. For enterprise-level application development it is usually minimal:

l  A web designer

l  A web developer

l  Database administrator

l  Hosting/network support technician 

Web Developments acquisition can generally be broken down into the following sets of skills. these lists are not at all exhaustive but include some of the most common technologies. Client-side:


l  CSS

l  Javascript

l  Ajax, JSON

l  Flash, Flex, ActionScript

l  Microsoft Silverlight

Server-side Programming Technologies and Frameworks:

l  ASP

l  PHP

l  Coldfusion

l  CGI/Perl

l  Python

l  Ruby

l  Groovy

l  JSP, Java, J2EE

l  .NET

l  Lotus Domino

l  Struts

l  Spring

l  WebSphere

l  Apache Tomcat

l  Maven

l  Ant

l  Cocoon

The Future of Web Design and Development

 A website plays a most important role in expanding the reach of any business. No business owner can survive this competition without a website for their business. Nowadays, a website represents a brand. Only experienced web developers can build a powerful website. This can be achieved by hiring developers or a well-known web development company. With the growth of business and the requirement to set up an online presence, it is required to have a strong website that perfectly reflects a brand and is visible to customers.

 Given the increasing number of Internet users worldwide, he is increasing the development prospects for web application and website development. According to a well-known survey, on average 1 million inquiries are generated with vendors for web application development, and a large proportion of those inquiries are converted into business.

 Time is changing day by day, which has led to the evolution of the web towards technological progress. All customers are more demanding and want to incorporate real and recent aspects of website design. Keeping this in mind, web developers are getting acquainted with the latest tools, technologies, and infrastructures that make a website fully advanced and husky. There is no denying that only these new technologies will permit web development companies to compete.

Over time, a lot of new technologies is rising in the web development industry, and many leading web-based developments the agency follows the latest technologies to advance their latest development field.

I-Softzone is a professional Web Design Company in India, It also provides Hardware and  Software Development Services, Join for Responsive Web Design Services. 

Tuesday, December 29, 2020

Software Developers were 46 percent more productive in the year - 2020

 As you saw in the year 2020, the Covid epidemic was at its peak point. Everyone is adopting new advanced technology as a major game-changer. During these difficult times, the world of development, in all time zones, is working with full dedication and extravagance. There was significant growth in developer productivity in India according to the State of the Octoverse 2020 report appear by GitHub.

 According to GitHub's data, the development industry is a boom at its highest level when it comes to work and spends hours at work. This development is also seen in Indian software development Company or industry which is showing a 46% increase in their productivity year on year in 2020.

 GitHub is the Best software development company, and also it is a subsidiary of Microsoft. This showed an increase in 103.1% of active students learning around languages and working on them. The report saw a 5.2% increase in the open-source contribution of students in India.

 The software repository has grown around 35 percent globally compared to the year 2019. In the year 2020, the subscriber rate on open-source projects has increased by 25%. There may be various factors for this increase such as lengthening the work, leveraging flexible work schedules, and increasing workload.

 GitHub is an excellent platform for learning and creating coding and development that can be the reason for the increased productivity of developers. There are several programming languages that developers are preferring like PHP, TypeScript, Python, JavaScript, Objective-C, Ruby, Shell, C, C ++ and Java.

 I-Softzone - Software Development Company

 I-softzone is a Software and Web design Company in India. You can choose the POS Software Solution for Retail and POS Software Solution for Restaurant.

Monday, November 9, 2020

How to keep Secure PHP Development and Prevent form Hackers and Malicious Software

Security is one of most important things for any website. Keeping a website risk-free and secure from outside hackers is a first precedence for every web developer. As you know a lot of people come to the website, some of them do not have good intentions. So if a website has normal security it is more chances to get hacked by attackers. Few mistake are common during the best website development procedure and most of the time it occur without developers knowledge. In this blog I am sharing some safety tips and will also show you that how you can apply these tips while develop a website.

Minimize the user Inputs:

User inputs are most likely to get exploited form clever attackers as they are like an open window where anyone can put data in your web page. It is very important to keep in mind , because hackers can destroy your information, or even in the worst case can get complete control over your website, so you should only use user data when doing so really necessary.

Server-side scripting:

I would like to advise you to use server-side scripting whenever you develop a website. It is a type of PHP code that is executed online before passing data to the user's browser. It is easy to use and very simple to understand.

Command-line scripting:

This mode is appropriate for scripts made with Task Scheduler or cron. It is also complete for individual text process.

Writing desktop application:

Although PHP is likely not the batter language for developed desktop applications, it provides an advanced web developer with numerous choice.

Dont Use GET Requests:

GET requests are error prone as the constant are visible in the domain in the browser. You should Do not use GET even for non delicate message as it can be a origin of some serious danger such as SQL Injection. Alternatively you should use the POST request if you need to pass message from one request to another.

Update your PHP version regularly :

All of you need to Update your PHP version time to time, so that keep secure your website form attackers.

 Apart form these you should also follow few more  tips, which are given below....   

 - Beware of XSS attacks (cross-site scripting).

- Use prepared SQL statements.

- Dont upload all framework files to your server.

- Always validate user input.

- Limit directory access.

- Verify your SSL configuration.

- Use URL encoding.

- Avoid remote file inclusion.

 You can Contact for Custom Website Development with all secure features, I-Softzone provide such type services. 

Tuesday, November 3, 2020

What Is An ERP System Software and How Does It Work for easy way Business run ?

First of all, we need to know about ERP (Enterprise resource planning) software give a set of tools that share a Common procedure and data model, cover end-to-end functional processes like accounting, analytic, inventory management, customer relationship management and human resources management.

An ERP execution refer installing the software, moving your all financial data over to the new system, configuring your users and processes, and educate your Clint's on the software. Select the right partner for instrumentality your ERP system is almost as important as selecting the right software in the first place.

Before preparation for the right execution of an ERP software into the important processes, every business needs an honest categorization of their business-specific need. There are sufficient of reasons to go for ERP software in most businesses, the last judgment relies on the objective appraisal of the dire business demand and the timing.

 Here are 5 Fundamental major Points to invest in Organization Resource Planning Software which are given below-

 1) Standardization of Software.

An ERP system attach together all these procedures with a incorporate program. This makes it simple for users to access data with a centralized dashboard and features like accession control and also provide data safety.

 2) Better Accounting and Financial Reporting

Keeping path of your business is a captious element in determining your success through a growing phase, but as your company grows the quality of transactions may look overwhelming without an efficient centralized system.

 3) Faster Response Times

when you start gaining traction in the market and your reputation increases, your ability to improve your service delivery could act as a key different from your comparative market . For deliver better result customer service, your front-line administrator and sales team need maximum access to all message across all departments, the scheme need to be integrated into one centralized unit.

 4) Regulatory Compliance and Security

 Integrated ERP software can help you check that back-office operations such as sync with the regulatory rules of the manufacturing industry. Most of ERP Software solution supplier display compliance and regulatory changes and keep updating their features to help you meet the new need.

 5) Mobility and Flexibility

BY ERP software, data from different departments of an firm is efficient into a incorporate program. ERP result today can procedure of multiple functions by leveraging a centralized database to provide Correct data to any user, anywhere in the world, on any device.

If you are looking Custom Software Development Company then its right page, I-softzone Groups help to develop Customized Enterprise Software And Solutions. We have worked with Enterprises, Retail, Distribution Software.

Tuesday, October 27, 2020

Google's navigation software let hackers track and identify users

Google maps Navigation is a mobile or android application developed by Google for the Android and iOS operating systems that was later embedded into the Google Maps mobile app. The app purpose an Internet connection to a GPS navigation system to give turn-by-turn voice instructions on how to arrive on the way.

A Security researcher team got a penetrability in Googles products like Waze, a GPS navigation software, because its allow track and identify users by their location, which makes it easy for hackers to hack.  

 Gasper discovered bug bounty of $1,337 in January 2020 and reported by his blog post. According to Gasper Founded on a reward size I think they consider it as a potentialmisuse without any active harm done.

 Security research team member Waze is applied by drivers in whole world for real time data collection and found traffic, accidents, and blocked roads by simply keeping the app open. Users should have an operational data connection to use the work. Actually app was designed for private cars, So it is not supported to public transportation such as bicycles or trucks.       

Gaspers investigation iinto Waze began when he found that he could visit Waze from any web browser at live map and decided to check how driver symbol are implemented. He detected that Waze API can give data on a position by sending the locations coordinates. In addition, it also direct coordinates of other drivers who are nearby.

Gaspers Surprised When he saw that the user's identification number were not changing over time, he decided to track a driver, after some time he saw the same driver on difference place with same road, Then he continued research for more.    

He told hackers can choose multiple locations with high traffic and sporadically call API and change the user that confirmed the existence of an obstacle. A lot of use legitimate names as user names, an hacker can make a dictionary of user names and their IDs.

If You are looking Custom Software Development Company Than its right page you can visit I-Softzone and Check Each and Everything and Also take a demo. 

Wednesday, October 21, 2020

How to Find Best website Designer or Development Company

These days you can observe so many names on the internet when you search for web development Companies. The most of companies that provide IT services has increased a lot in the last few years. This irresistible number can make you confused as a customer. You can't decide which organization to select and which one should be rejected.

Finding a trust able Web Design organization is as important as creating brand knowing for your business. Your web domain is the online presence of your business. It is through your business website that the whole world will know and get well-known with your company, brand, and services. Hence, it is essential to choose the best one among the lot.

 1- Check their previous project Success

You Should check successful project of the company, Because company must have some successful projects in their bag that can proof their efficiency and acquirement.

 2- Check Foundation of Company

First of all you need to choose a company which has enough experience about web design and development. If Company Project not success or clients not satisfied than they never retain and may be Company shut down soon.

3- Company Reviews and Ratings & Social media Presence

You Should Check company review and rating. There are need to check fake and genuine review on company website, because lot of commies incensed review and rating through friends, relatives and family. You Should also Check Social media Presence.

 4- Knowledge About The Subject

Check how well they know the subject of website development. This is a field where everyday something new introduce and exciting is happening. Latest development tools, codes, and techniques are introduced in the market, and the skilled developers are well aware of the same.

 5- Check The Case Studies

Dont finalize the business deal with them until you realize some of their case studies or previous projects personally. This can provide you an idea of how good they are in their work. You can also get a clear idea about their knowledge and capability as professed web developers when you see their works.

 If you are searching Reliable and Best Website Development Company then I-sfotzone batter for you, because Company have more than 10 year Experience, review and rating also good and go thorough website and check successful project. 

Sunday, October 18, 2020

How Can Responsive Web Design help you gain more potential Customers

Web designing is an crucial part of the entire web development procedure and it can truly said to be the front end of any website. Websites become more attractive due to their designs that play a key role in them.

 Development of the responsive web design is one of the interesting developments in the web development Business. A responsive design easily fits into devices of various screen sizes, be it a computer, a smart phone or a tablet. The design adjusts the layout according to the screen size without disturbing the clarity.  

 There are lot of reasons why responsive websites are becoming increasingly famous today. As you know , there is an increase in the number of web-enabled devices. most of people uses android mobile and Tablet PC. All these devices have small displays. Unresponsive web cannot be viewed clearly in the small displays. Responsive web help the internet users enjoy their browsing experience regardless of the nature of the devices they use. A responsive website can automatically detect the device used by the user to access the web pages and change itself suitably to provide the optimum browsing experience.

 Advantage of Responsive Web Design

  1. - RWD is serving in eliminating the need in developing distinguishing mobile sites as this technology offers the gadget owners to have surfing ability to access the web browser on their smart phones.
  2.  - Responsive Web Design the web design has become quite an easy task as by using this application, re sizing of the images, texts and buttons to maximize the screen dimensions can be improved very fast for easy readable as per the device being used.
  3.  - The updates are easier to be done at one place with the afraid process to be seen as a whole part. Thus, with the above mentioned advantages the Responsive web Design  technology is fast catching up in the field of web designing.

Benefits of Responsive Web Design for SEO

Responsive design can help you resolve a lot of difficulty for your website. It will make your site mobile-friendly, better the way it looks on devices with both large and small screens, and gain the amount of time that users spend on your site. It is also help you improve your rankings in search engines like Google , yahoo, Bing etc. 

If you Want Design your Website Responsive than its right page contact for Best Website Development Company and build your online presence.