Monday, November 9, 2020

How to keep Secure PHP Development and Prevent form Hackers and Malicious Software

Security is one of most important things for any website. Keeping a website risk-free and secure from outside hackers is a first precedence for every web developer. As you know a lot of people come to the website, some of them do not have good intentions. So if a website has normal security it is more chances to get hacked by attackers. Few mistake are common during the best website development procedure and most of the time it occur without developers knowledge. In this blog I am sharing some safety tips and will also show you that how you can apply these tips while develop a website.

Minimize the user Inputs:

User inputs are most likely to get exploited form clever attackers as they are like an open window where anyone can put data in your web page. It is very important to keep in mind , because hackers can destroy your information, or even in the worst case can get complete control over your website, so you should only use user data when doing so really necessary.

Server-side scripting:

I would like to advise you to use server-side scripting whenever you develop a website. It is a type of PHP code that is executed online before passing data to the user's browser. It is easy to use and very simple to understand.

Command-line scripting:

This mode is appropriate for scripts made with Task Scheduler or cron. It is also complete for individual text process.

Writing desktop application:

Although PHP is likely not the batter language for developed desktop applications, it provides an advanced web developer with numerous choice.

Dont Use GET Requests:

GET requests are error prone as the constant are visible in the domain in the browser. You should Do not use GET even for non delicate message as it can be a origin of some serious danger such as SQL Injection. Alternatively you should use the POST request if you need to pass message from one request to another.

Update your PHP version regularly :

All of you need to Update your PHP version time to time, so that keep secure your website form attackers.

 Apart form these you should also follow few more  tips, which are given below....   

 - Beware of XSS attacks (cross-site scripting).

- Use prepared SQL statements.

- Dont upload all framework files to your server.

- Always validate user input.

- Limit directory access.

- Verify your SSL configuration.

- Use URL encoding.

- Avoid remote file inclusion.

 You can Contact for Custom Website Development with all secure features, I-Softzone provide such type services. 

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